

Intended Level: Intermediate

This section explains some thought process and design concepts behind GQty. It assumes a certain degree of knowledge across multiple domains, such as the experience using other GraphQL clients, Web standards and cache management in JavaScript.

A cache that fetches

The core concept behind GQty is simple, you interact with the cache while it automatically fetches missing data on-the-fly.

Scoped Queries

While it is handy for a centralized group of cache accessors that groups all selections and fetches as much as possible in one go, there are use cases where separation is necessary.

It is especially important when implementing persisted queries and operation names. Selections under these context cannot be mixed up with other queries under a different one.

Scoped contexts contain the following elements, which may affect how Selections are combined and ultimately fetched.

  1. Operation Name
  2. Cache Policy
  3. Suspense

Suspense is the most important consideration point if you have Suspense enabled. It determines which level and how many levels in the component tree a query may be suspended and fetched, it also decides the error boundaries of your app.

Selection Batching

When making selections by interacting with the cache, GQty captures what is being accessed, combine selections with the same context, fetching them with as few requests as possible.

Pass query objects as props

In React, the useQuery() hook creates a new scoped context for each component. Scoped contexts split up selections which sometimes may not be what you wanted. Instead, you should pass query objects down the component tree as if their data already fetched. This allows selections to be grouped into one single request.

All queries are live queries

In React, components create live subscriptions to the current cache even without GraphQL Subscriptions involved. This allows most of the normalization magic happens when a seemingly unrelated changes or fetch from other components arrives, all components reaching such objects will also be updated.


Soft Refetch

Refetching in GQty does not necessarily means a network request. A refetch first checks the cache freshness of accessed data, it fetches only on cache miss AND the current cache policy allows it.

Consider soft refetches a cache validity check instead, this allows more frequent refetching strategies. Our useQuery() hook has options for automatic refetches on window focus, network reconnect and even periodic attempts.

To manually trigger a soft refetch, use useQuery().$refetch(false) in React.

Hard Refetch

Users may specify no-cache or no-store as the cache policy in core, or simply use useQuery().$refetch(true) in React to bypass a fresh cache and forces a network request.

Cache Policy

When designing an expiring cache with stale-while-revalidate (SWR) support, there is an important concept inherited from the Web standards: Request.cache (opens in a new tab).

Request.cache is the strategy dealing with the current cache, before fetching remote endpoints.

GraphQL servers usually do not hint about cache lifetime for the data, so it is up to developers who make correct assumptions on each and every one of their own projects.

defaultServes the cached contents when it is fresh, and if they are stale within the stale-while-revalidate (SWR) window, fetches in the background and updates the cache. Always fetches on stale cache or cache miss.

During SWR, a successful fetch will not notify cache updates. New contents are served on next query.
reloadAlways fetch, updates client cache on response.
no-cacheSame as reload, for GraphQL does not support conditional requests.
no-storeAlways fetch and does not update on response.

GQty creates a temporary cache at query-level which immediately expires.
force-cacheServes the cached contents regardless of staleness. It fetches on cache miss or a stale cache, updates the cache on response.
only-if-cachedServes the cached contents regardless of staleness, throws a network error on cache miss.
Cache Policy is not Fetch Policy

Our React package has the option fetchPolicy which is heavily inspired by the Apollo Client. But over time, we found the cache option in the Fetch API more concise and easier to understand across multiple APIs.

Cache Normalization

Cache normalization is best explained with sketches.

Given two data trees in cache, both containing node "a".

fig1: Cache Normalization Step 1

They will be merged into the same object reference, and kept in a global store.

fig2: Cache Normalization Step 2

This global store will be serialized along with the main data cache during persistence and rehydration.

Normalized, still Reactive.

When a node is part of an updating tree, subscribers of other trees referencing the same node will also be notified.

fig3: Cache Normalization Step 3

Stable Object References

Otherwise maintaining a reverse lookup map, normalized object references inside query caches will be a proxy of the actual data inside the global store.

When objects are updated or replaced, references to the proxies won't change only underlying objects are swapped.

fig4: Cache Normalization Step 4